• Seek Professional Counseling Services Today

    Just like physical health, your mental health is integral to your well-being. Thus, you should take active steps to ensure your mental health is at its peak to live a fulfilling life. Contrary to what most people believe, seeing a counselor isn't just for people struggling with mental health issues. Anyone with concerns about their mental well-being can visit a counselor, learn about themselves, and earn new skills to navigate life.

  • Two Types Of Surgical Rectal Prolapse Treatments Your Doctor Might Recommend

    If you and your doctor have tried treating your rectal prolapse with dietary changes and stool softeners and your condition is getting worse, your doctor might recommend surgery. The timing of surgery is important since waiting too long could lead to nerve damage or other complications that leave you with fecal incontinence. Your doctor will probably do a variety of tests that include a colonoscopy, transit time test, MRI, or barium enema.

  • Frequently Asked Questions About Allergy Skin Testing: The ABCs of Sensitive Skin

    When it comes to diagnosing allergies, skin testing is among the most common methods. Skin testing is used to identify allergies to a variety of substances, including foods, environmental allergens, and medications. There are many questions about skin testing, and this article answers some of the most commonly asked questions. What Is Allergy Skin Testing?  Allergy skin testing is a way for doctors to determine what substances a person is allergic to.

  • You're Not Sick, But This Is Why You Still Need An Urgent Care Clinic

    Do urgent care medical clinics provide preventative care? You're not sick right now. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't see a doctor. Take a look at the top reasons for adults to visit for wellness checks or screening-related health care services.  You Haven't Had A Screening Test for Years—Or Ever  Preventative medical care includes several different types of screening tests for adults. The specific tests you will need depend on your age, risk level, family history, and lifestyle factors.

  • Dealing With Neurological Issues? What You Need To Share With Your Neurologist

    If you've been having problems with your health, and your primary care physician hasn't been able to provide a diagnosis, it might be time to contact a specialist. If your problems involve issues such as migraines, speech problems, or confusion, you need to speak with a neurologist. Not sure what neurologists do? They provide care for medical issues that involve the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Once you have secured an appointment with a neurologist, you'll need to prepare for the visit.