Once upon a time, losing a limb spelled the end of an athlete's career or an atheletic person's hobbies, but these days, prosthetics have advanced to the point where they are capable of a tremendous amount of specialization, giving rise to a new form of prosthetics that can be specialized for nearly anyone's desire to continue participating in his or her favorite sports. If you're facing life with a prosthetic, you need to know that you can still continue enjoying your previously athletic life with the right kind of prosthetic.
Hepatitis C used to be a death sentence, but, in the past several years, it's turned into a disease that, while difficult to treat, is treatable. You have to be aware of what goes into the treatment, as the side effects can be unwelcome. Do not let any of this put you off getting treatment, though; if you let the hepatitis C run rampant, you'll only end up with worse pain and more medical bills.
It's never easy admitting that you have vision problems, especially if you've always had perfect vision. Unfortunately, vision problems tend to come with age. If you've been putting off having your vision tested, you should stop and schedule an appointment. You might not realize this, but your vision problems could be affecting the way you drive, which could be putting your life—and the lives of others—in jeopardy. Here are three signs that your vision problems are interfering with your ability to drive.
If your child has an eating disorder, you might be going through a very difficult time and not know what to do. Here are some treatment tips to get you started. 1. Take Your Child in for a Full Checkup Depending on how long your child has been engaging in eating-disordered behaviors, he or she might have done some damage to his or her body. If your child is a girl and has lost so much weight that her period has stopped, then she might have developed osteoporosis.
Agoraphobia, the fear of open or public places, is a condition that usually accompanies a panic or anxiety disorder. People who have agoraphobia often have difficulty driving and going out in public. In the worst cases, a person with agoraphobia may be unable to leave their house at all, not even to sit on their front porch. Some are even trapped in a single room. If you have panic attacks when you leave your home or are in unfamiliar places, you may have agoraphobia.